Bespoke CapITal Partners

Blog & News Updates
Maximizing Your Future: The Importance of an RRSP for Retirement Planning
February 6, 2025
An RRSP offers a range of benefits that can make achieving long-term financial security easier and more efficient.
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Creating a Lasting Impact: Giving with Purpose
December 11, 2024
Philanthropy is a powerful way to shape one’s legacy, creating a meaningful impact that can inspire generations. At its heart, philanthropy is about leaving the world better than we found it.
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Empowering Future Generations Through Financial Literacy
November 19, 2024
In Canada, November is recognized as Financial Literacy Month, making it an ideal time to dive deeper into what you know and where you can improve
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2024 U.S. Election and The Potential Impact on Our Portfolios
September 9, 2024
There is no doubt, however, that the current campaign is anxiety inducing for investors. Canada may be gearing up for its own divisive political battle, but its noisy neighbour is a behemoth that dominates news cycles
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No Champagne but a New Interest Rate Era has Begun
August 22, 2024
In the end, it was an anti-climax. After months of speculation and conjecture, the Bank of Canada has reduced its benchmark interest rate for the second successive time. But the markets, which had already priced the cuts in, gave an indifferent shrug.
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Navigating Your Prized Cottage Investment
June 19, 2024
Cottages were all the rage in recent years past—and that’s precisely why they’re still an investing hot topic in 2024.
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Sharing is Caring – and More Tax Efficient
April 30, 2024
One way to stay a step ahead and to improve next year’s returns is income splitting.
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Digesting the Proposed Capital Gains Tax Hike
April 29, 2024
History, ultimately, will be the judge of the recently proposed capital gains tax hike. The Government argues the extra billions of dollars generated will be invested in programs that give people a fairer chance “to build a good, middle-class life”, but critics say this will deter the risk-taking capital that stimulates economic growth and penalize hard-working business owners and individuals.
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Spring Cleaning Your Finances 101
March 25, 2024
Spring is in the air and this year it just might be the longer days that inspire us into action. When the higher sun shines in your windows and reveals the dust bunnies, it might be time to also dust off your finances.
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Income Tax Deadline Checklist
March 21, 2024
No sooner have you navigated the RRSP contribution deadline, then another key date looms into view – your annual income tax return. If only the world was so keen to remind you to watch movies or take a vacation!
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The Value of Advice: Finding the Active-Passive Balance
February 27, 2024
For the most important aspects of your life, there is typically a half a dozen things that matter. Keeping healthy means daily exercise, eating well, a good night sleep, finding me time, positive personal relationships, and moderated drinking. Investing and accumulating wealth is no different, there are only a few things that really matter...
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Couples and Money – A Beautiful Partnership
February 14, 2024
According to The Beatles, money can’t buy you love but as many people will attest, money can certainly destroy. Paul McCartney was always the Fab Four’s hopeless romantic.
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How to Beat Blue Monday
January 12, 2024
When it comes to personal finances, January can be a month when the festive adrenaline eases and your own economic reality hits home. The cure lies in forward-thinking, positive mindset and goal setting.
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Accumulation for Show, Decumulation for Dough
December 12, 2023
Even those who despise golf will likely have heard the saying, “driver for show, putter for dough.” The premise: that smacking the ball 300 yards looks great but the ability to get it in the hole is what determines success.
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Preparing the Next Generation for Wealth
October 27, 2023
It sounds counterintuitive but words rather than numbers are likely to dictate the success of your family’s transfer of wealth. Most people turn to a financial advisor simply for a tax-efficient estate plan to ensure their heirs inherit as much as possible. But what good is that if the next generation are ill-equipped to deal with it, either because the money comes as a surprise or because they’re too entitled to handle such a windfall?
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Tax Tactics for the Wealthy
July 25, 2023
Navigating the breaks and rules to your advantage is a legitimate tactic to not only keep more money in your wallet but also fuel your family’s legacy, whether that’s through charitable donations, community work, or simply ensuring the kids’ and grandkids’ futures.
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Keep Calm…and Stay Invested
July 10, 2023
Even if you are a long-term investor with a well-diversified portfolio, market volatility has introduced many to negative statements for the first time. The instinct to look for safety and pull your money out of the market may be understandable but is potentially fatal to your retirement portfolio.
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A Lifetime of Contributions
June 28, 2023
Making informed decisions when choosing a contribution plan is crucial as it sets the course for your investment journey.
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Time is Your Quiet Investing Partner
June 5, 2023
Time is your greatest investing partner, but its value can be overlooked. Passive and quiet, this partner won’t bang on your door and say it’s time to get started, that part is up to you.
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Recession Risk: When the Central Bank Stops Being Boring
May 31, 2023
Are we set for more market volatility? Despite the central bank’s efforts, the economy remains strong in places, particular the labour market and real estate, despite the latter cooling slightly.
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Navigating Through Current Markets
April 1, 2023
Investors today are dealing with strong macro winds. It is not about the war in Ukraine, earthquakes or the divides in politics - those are all areas of concern to be addressed in other forums - it is about the persistent rise in interest rates.
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